Our Children's Faith Formation program includes grades Pre-K (children who are age 4 by class start date) through 5th grade. Students are led to an understanding and love of our faith through dedicated instruction and guidance. They are given hands-on activities which help them delight in their time with us. During the children's consistent, weekly instruction, we work together with families to help the child become grounded in the tenets of Catholicism while sharing with them the guidance and joy Jesus brings into our lives.
Our Elementary Faith Formation Education Program follows the Archdiocesan curriculum guidelines. We are using the Be My Disciples series of textbooks, published by RCL Benziger for 1st through 5th grades and Blest Are We for kindergarten; both excellent guides for students and catechists. Our preschool uses the Gospel Weeklies curriculum which matches the weekly Gospel readings.
To have your child's name placed on a list for Faith Formation, call the office, 503-761-8710 x1303.
PREPARATION FOR FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST COMMUNION occurs in a series of parent-with-child classes. These classes will occur sometime during the school year. It is best to enroll your child in Faith Formation Classes so they understand their faith, learn to practice it and develope a sense of kinship with other Catholic children their age. To have your name placed on a list for Faith Formation, call the office , 503-761-8710 x1303. You will need a legible copy of your child's baptismal certificate.